The ABN — company takes part in many exhibitions, moreover, is engaged in the development and the implementation of the new technologies on the Russian market in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, particularly the lighting production on the basis of LEDs.
The energy saving and the energy efficiency are the government goals. According to the federal law № 261 about the energy saving and the increasing of the energy efficiency and about the amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, which was signed on the 23rd of November 2009 by the president D.A. Medvedev, the implementation of the energy efficient technologies in the lightening systems with the LEDs- priority.
Distinct anvantages of the lightning using LED-technologies:
- A significant increase of the lamp functionality, the cost reduction for the lamp replacement, installation and lightning service
- Reduction of the energy consumption, release of energy and financial capacities,
- Reduction of the loading on the power supply circuit
- Creating an favorable and comfortable lighting without crucial heating
- The security increase because of greater mechanical strenght and vibration resistance. There are no glass details.
- ecological compatibility. It lets us protect the environment from any pollutant emissions. Special conditions for utilization aren’t required, because it doesn’t content quicksilver.
The employees of the ABN-Hi-Tech company can do for each object:
- create the lighting project
- calculate the economic efficiency for using the lightening equipment and valuing the expediency of the replacement of the traditional lightning to LEDs
- consult people in all questions in the lightning units
The big assortment of the LED – lamps and the LED- illuminators let us find the LED-analog practically for any standart lamp for the wide application, specifically for the apartment, house, office lightning, also for the illumination of facades and billboards. The LED-lightning can also be used for the decorative lightning of the show windows and the shops, as well as the road, street and park lightning.